After graduating summa cum laude from Scripps College with a B.A. in Comparative Literature, I spent a year in graduate school at ucla and realized I wanted something other than academia — but wasn't sure what.

I began my professional training in concept and copywriting, working with professionals at UCLA’s extension program.

I built on that training, earning a digital marketing certificate through the professional program at Oregon State University.

I’ve written copy for a variety of clients from financial services to non-profits and worked on projects for direct-to-consumer, B2B , websites, digital campaigns, and branded content.

A keen ability to listen to clients has allowed me to translate their thoughts into fresh, well-targeted communications.

I also bring experience in theatre and video production to RKW projects such as VineStories. I've found An understanding of story to be invaluable in the script development process as well as post-production.

I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband and son. i enjoy trekking through Portland's green spaces, practicing my Spanish skills, Mediterranean cooking, and reading novels.